Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ice Cream Flavors: The many weird and exciting possibilities

There are many ice cream flavors available. I like most of them, because I love ice cream so much. I am sure you have many favorites as well. I am going to list some of my most well-loved ice cream flavors and see if they match up with yours. There are some pretty zany ingredients and flavors out there that get combined with ice cream, and I like them too.

First, I like popular flavors, like vanilla ice cream. It isn't that fancy, but I still like it. I like chocolate ice cream less, but I still love it. Most kids probably like it too!

There are other popular ice cream flavors too, like mint chocolate chip, rocky road, coconut, and even pumpkin ice cream (which is has the flavor of cinnamon and other flavors - rarely does it have actual pumpkin in it...too much of that would be gross!).

The number of ice cream flavors is really pretty much endless. All you need is a little creativity and fun, and you can come up with pretty much any flavor imaginable. I have seen green tea, cayenne, and bacon flavored ice cream, and people swear that they are great. It is likely that you aren't as familiar with these flavors, but they are still popular.  I have also seen seasonal flavors too. For example, around Christmas, we see candy cane ice cream, and near Thanksgiving, they make turkey ice cream (just kidding! that would be horrible). I have found that in the summer, they bring out more fresh and fruity ice cream flavors like Pistachio and Watermelon. I like those too. When I was little I used to eat bubble gum ice cream. It had giant pieces of bubble gum mixed in with it. I honestly didn't know whether to chew it or eat it. It was a weird experience, and an experience with ice cream flavors I won't soon forget. I also remember smurf ice cream. It was basically a vanilla that was dyed blue, but I swear it was the best tasting ice cream ever. Another ice cream flavor I remember is Pac Man ice cream. It too was vanilla, perhaps with some ghost carcass thrown in - I don't know. Ahh, the 1980s...a great time for ice cream flavors!

Mixing flavors is pretty common too. For example, you can mix virtually any flavors.

How does Pumpkin-Peppermint sound? What about Pistachio-Bacon? Bubble Gum-Vanilla?

Overall, you will find a lot of ice cream flavors and the sky is the limit as to which one you enjoy, even though I have to admit that with the exception of some ultra weird ice cream flavors, I pretty much love them all. What are your favorite flavors??

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